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차석 우등 졸업 영어로


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  • second-class
  • 차석    차석 [次席] the next seat[position]. ~이다
  • 우등    우등 [優等] (등급 등의) excellence;
  • 졸업    졸업 [卒業] graduation; completion of a
  • 우등이 아닌 보통 졸업학위    pass degree
  • 차석    차석 [次席] the next seat[position]. ~이다 rank next to . 그녀는 고교를 반에서 ~으로 졸업했다 She graduated from high school second in her class. 그는 ~으로 입상했다 He finished in second place. / He was the runner-up.▷ 차석 검사 [
  • 우등    우등 [優等] (등급 등의) excellence; (학업의) honors. 그는 학력 ~을 인정받았다 He was recognized for excellence in scholarship. 그녀는 대학을 ~으로 졸업했다 She graduated from college with honors[ cum laude]. / She graduated with h
  • 졸업    졸업 [卒業] graduation; completion of a course (of study). ~ 전[후] before[after] graduation / before[after] leaving school. ~하다 graduate ; finish(finish는 초등 학교, 중학교, 고교 등에 쓸 수 있음. graduate from은 에서는 초등 학
  • 졸업 졸업    Graduation
  • 새우등    새우등 a bent[rounded] back; round[stooped] shoulders; a stoop. ~의 stooped / round-[stoop-]shouldered. ~의 노인 an old man bent almost double with age. 고래 싸움에 ~ 터진다 An innocent bystander gets hurt[suffer
  • 우등 시험    class
  • 최우등    최우등 [最優等] the top grade; the highest[greatest] distinction; top honors. ~의 the most excellent / the best. ~으로 졸업하다 graduate with the highest[greatest] distinction.▷ 최우등생 the highest honorsman; the
  • 졸업 노래    Graduation songs
  • 졸업 모자    graduation cap
  • 졸업 앨범    annual
  • 졸업 증서    document; ticket; diploma; sheepskin
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